1. The Earth's Crust, The Mantle, The Core and their Respective Characteristics
      1. Identify concentric zones of the earth
      2. Account for the variation in density and thickness of the concentric zones of the earth's crust
      3. Describe the characteristics of the earth's crust, the mantle and the core
    2. Types of Rocks of the Earth's Crust
      1. Identify types of rocks of the earth's crust
      2. Explain the mode of formation for each type of rocks and their economic importance
    3. Simplified Geological Time Scale
      1. Describe the geological time sale

    1. Forces Causing Earth Movements
      1. Explain the forces which cause earth movement and their origin
    2. Radial/Vertical Movement
      1. Describe the vertical/radical movement
      2. Identify the resulting features from the vertical movement
    3. Lateral or Horizontal Movement
      1. Explain how horizontal movements take place
      2. Identify different features produced by horizontal forces
    4. Vulcanicity
      1. Differentiate vulcanicity from volcanicity
      2. Explain causes of volcanicity and resulting features
      3. Classify features resulting from the processes of volcanicity
      4. Locate the distribution of major volcanic zones in the world
      5. Assess the economic importance of volcanoes
    5. Earth-quakes
      1. Define earthquake, epicenter and focus
      2. Describe how earthquake can be detected
      3. Explain the causes and effects of earthquake
      4. Locate the possible areas where earthquake is likely to occur on the world map
    6. External Forces
      1. Define mass wasting
      2. Identify types of mass wasting
      3. Describe the factors which cause mass wasting
      4. Assess the effects of mass wasting to the environment
    7. Weathering
      1. Define the term weathering
      2. Identify types of weathering
      3. Differentiate weathering processes
      4. Assess the significance of weathering
    8. Erosion and Deposition by Running Water, Ice, Wind and Wave Action
      1. Define the concept of erosion and deposition
      2. Examine how agents of erosion and deposition operate on the landscape
      3. Examine erosional and Depositional Features for each Agent
      4. Assess the importance of erosional and depositional features to human beings
    9. Artificial Forces
      1. Explain the meaning of artificial forces that cause earth movements
      2. Describe causes and effects of artificial forces

    1. Soil Formation
      1. Define soil
      2. Describe factors for soil formation
      3. Assess the importance of Soil
    2. Soil Composition and Properties
      1. Illustrate soil composition and properties
    3. Soil Profile and Characteristics
      1. Define soil profile
      2. Illustrate soil profile and its characteristics
    4. Simple Soil Classification
      1. Classify soil according to textural groups
    5. Soil Erosion
      1. Define soil erosion
      2. Examine how agents of soil erosion work
      3. Describe types and effects of erosion to social and economic activities
      4. Relate population growth and rate of soil erosion on the quality of life
      5. Demonstrate ways of controlling soil erosion through the application of various conservation techniques

    1. Meaning and Types ofSurvey
      1. Explain the meaning of simple land survey
      2. Explain the types of simple land survey
    2. Chain Survey
      1. Describe chain/tape survey
      2. Explain different types of equipment used in chain/tape surveying
      3. Practice chain/tape surveying activities at school level
      4. Explain the importance of survey

    1. Concept of Map Reading
      1. Explain the concept of map and its importance to social economic activities
      2. Identify essentials of a map
    2. Reading and Interpreting Topographical Maps
      1. Recognise features on a map
      2. Generate information from maps
      3. Interpret information in relation to daily activities

    1. Types of Photographs
      1. Identify types of photographs
      2. Differentiate between ground, vertical and oblique photographs
    2. Reading and Interpreting Photographs
      1. Read features presented on photographs
      2. Identify natural and manmade features in the fore, middle and background of the photograph
      3. Interpret features presented on the photograph

    1. Concept of Statistics
      1. Explain the concept of statistics
      2. Differentiate types of statistical data
      3. Present data graphically
      4. Explain the importance of statistics to the user
      5. Describe how massive data can be summarised
    2. Simple Statistical Measures and Interpretation
      1. Describe methods of presenting simple and mixed data
      2. Calculate the mean, mode and median
      3. Explain the significance of mean, mode and median
      4. Interpret data using simple statistical measures

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